A typical day at our house

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I thought that I would write about a typical day at our house. Not that we are a "typical" family like the Cleavers or the Nelsons. We are more like Malcolm in the Middle.
So here is a glimpse into my daily life with my beloved family
Our two year old son comes into the room and says "daddy, daddy" while going around the dh's side of the bed, By now the baby who is 10 months is usually awake and wanting to be taken out of his crib.The dh is out of bed at this point and I'm just starting to wake up some more. Everyone is up at this point and our four year old comes out wanting breakfast. Diapers are changed and the kids are dressed while my coffee is brewing(the dh doesn't do coffee). After coffee and breakfast the dh takes a shower and gets ready for his day. I get dressed then. One of us will straighten the kitchen and wipe off the dining room table.
Than we "help" the kids clean their room and make their beds. The two oldest ones like helping the dh and I make our full size bed. Then we straighten up the house, read books, play and other things until lunch time. We have lunch and clean up after lunch. We try and give naps after lunch but some days that doesn't happen. Oh well!
Then the afternoon is pretty much the same routine as the morning. We have supper. then it's baths,and bedtime for everyone. We're usually done done with our day around 10:00 pm. or so.
Are there days that the kids argue, fuss and fight? Of course there are but aren't there days we all feel that way? Just remember that we all have bad days and our children are no different. For a great article on this visit The No Greater Joy website and look for the following article :http://www.nogreaterjoy.org/topics/child-training/attitudes/article-display/archive////bad-days/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPID%5D=7. Shalom does a great job encouraging moms of little ones with her views on this exact problem. I decided to take her advice on a particularly bad day and guess what? IT WORKED!!! The dishes sat a little longer but hey everyone felt better afterwards...


Happy New Year!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year to everyone. This blog will be all about getting organized for the new year since that seems to be a popular resolution. There are a ton of great sites on the web to use. I actually sat down and drew up a chart that listed all the members of our family and went from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. broke into half hour segements. I then filled in the blanks (kind of like a MOTH schedule) and typed it up in Word using the tables feature. I am going to get printed on to heavy paper and am actually thinking about having it laminated to save wear and tear on it. If you think this will work for your family I suggest that for a day you write down everything that you do. Even if it doesn't seem important-this will help you see where you are wasting time and energy. Be sure to make sure that you leave some free time for those unexpected things that op up. Any special notes can be typed up underneath the schedule for referencing to. Also a master chore list is helpful so you can do your housekeeping in some kind of order
A good dayplanner is also needed if you truly want to get organized. I picked mine up at Wal-Mart for less than $10. It has a calculator, fill in yourself calendar section, including diary pages that break down into half hour increments from 8 am until 5 pm with extra blanks before 8am and after 5 pm., to do list section, personal information section,notes section, an address book (write your addresses in pencil to erase when the information changes) and a notepad. The company that made mine is called Plan Ahead.
Till next time...

Sunrise Mountain

Sunrise Mountain
This is located where my husband grew up in New Jersey

Koenig's 3rd Birthday

Koenig's 3rd Birthday
We went to a local heavy equipment dealer for Koenig's 3rd birthday so he could see the bulldozers there
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