Koenog's Wonderful Idea for All of Us to Think About

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I haven't written here in what seems ages ( I know that's no excuse!) but here is what's going on in our corner of the world.

Uriah and Koenig just got back from gifting to the needy. Bloody brilliant that a three year old would think of doing this. They had a lot of fun doing this. He handed out over 200 bags of cookies tied with ribbons and attached candy canes to the bags. Uriah handed cups of hot cocoa out. Luckily, the weather held out and it was in the mid 50s making it a mild day for them.

Starting in January of 2010, Koenig is wanting to start a toy drive for children everywhere. His idea is that folks can dropped their gently used, unbroken or new toys into boxes around town. He is starting locally but his goal is to eventually to have this done nationwide.The toys would be picked up and placed into storage until early October. Then in October we would ask Sunday Schools, community groups, etc to come help box and wrap the toys for Christmas 2010. Each box would have a tag saying for example "Boy age 12 months" or "Girl age 16 years".

Once we get Koenig's toy drive going, we are going to start a Facebook page for him and a blog also. We would like to start a website for him also since he is always looking for ways to help others. We will post link to each of them as they are set up and become available.
BTW that photo is of Koenig during the first official snow of the year that happened recently.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Sunrise Mountain

Sunrise Mountain
This is located where my husband grew up in New Jersey

Koenig's 3rd Birthday

Koenig's 3rd Birthday
We went to a local heavy equipment dealer for Koenig's 3rd birthday so he could see the bulldozers there
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